
Slip and Fall on the College Parking Lot

Have you been injured from a slip and fall on the college parking lot? If so, contact our Buffalo attorneys immediately to get started today. Question: I fell in my Universities parking lot on January 27th. I was walking to my friends car, took a step off the sidewalk and the slush took my foot […]

Do I Need an Attorney for Being Hit by a Car While Biking?

Are you asking yourself ” Do I need an attorney for being hit by a car while biking?” Check out this blog, then contact our Buffalo attorneys. Question: I was in the bike lane, The driver was making a right on green. I got hit and flew over the handlebars and landed on my hands. […]

How Can a General Practitioner Help

Have you been injured and want to know how can a general practitioner help? Contact our Buffalo attorneys to get started on your claim today. General practitioners are doctors who will treat you for ailments and injuries when you are involved in an accident. In the no-fault system with automobile accidents, the system is geared against […]

What to Expect at the Emergency Room

Have you been injured and need to go to the ER? Here is what to expect at the emergency room. Give our Buffalo attorneys a call to get started. Emergency room doctors or immediate care clinics are usually the first doctors we see after an accident.  When an injured individual goes to an emergency room for […]

NYSTLA Holiday Gala

Check out this recent photo from the New York State Trial Lawyers Association (NYSTLA), Western Region Affiliate Holiday Gala. Date:  December 22, 2014 Honorees:  Supreme Court Justice Ralph A. Boniello, III and Supreme Court Justice Joseph R. Glownia. Here is some brief info on the NYSTLA: The Western Region Affiliate of the New York State […]

Importance of X-Rays with your Personal Injury Case

Do you have questions about the importance of x-rays with your personal injury case? Contact our Buffalo attorneys to get started on your case X-rays are a diagnostic tool used to determine whether an injured individual has a fractured bone. When an individual goes to the hospital an x-ray is usually done as a precautionary […]

Physical Therapy and your Personal Injury

Do you have questions about physical therapy and your personal injury in New York? Contact our Buffalo lawyers to get started on your claim. Physical therapy is extremely important for injuries sustained in accidents. Physical therapy comes  in two different times – before surgical intervention and post-surgical. This is specifically referring to the extremities (shoulders, arms, knees, […]