
Digital Motion X-Rays (DMX)

Do you have questions about digital motion x-rays (DMX)? Read our blog for guidance, then give our Buffalo attorneys a call to get started now.

The DMX is a diagnostic tool used by doctors to determine whether there’s been an injury to the cervical region or the neck. The DMX uses fluoroscopy which is a low level X-Ray to allow the doctor to take a moving picture of a person’s neck. The person will be put in front of the DMX and ask to extend and flex their neck, at the same time you will actually see the neck moving in real time.

What we can determine as a result of using a DMX is whether there is a problem with any of the ligaments which hold the neck in place.

When you see the neck actually in motion, you will see whether the ligaments are holding them properly. What will happen when a person has an injury to one of those ligaments is that instead of the motion of the neck being normal, you will see the vertebrae actually sliding on top of each other before they bend. Much like a rubber band that’s been stretched to much and hasn’t gone back to its normal position, the ligaments can be stretched and that causes a situation where the motion of the neck is not proper.

When we can show that there’s been ligamentous damage, that typically is something that is a lifelong issue.

This blog was provided by Robert Maranto, one of our experienced personal injury lawyers.