Successful Case Injuries Caused from a Low Damage Accident

If you’ve been in an accident where you were injured, read about our successful case involving injuries caused from a low damage accident.
I was recently successful with a case as a Buffalo Car Accident Attorney where my client was rear-ended by a car. The insurance company claimed that our client could not be injured as badly as we claimed because the damage with the vehicle was only $60. The insurance company barely offered anything to settle the case.  I rejected the settlement as a Buffalo Car Accident Attorney because the injuries would affect my client for the rest of her life.

As trial approached the insurance company offered us $600,000 because the insurance company had hired an expert saying that the forces of the vehicle could not have produced this amount of an injury.  The insurance company knew we would overcoming their expert testimony, and finally settled the case for $1.1 million.

If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident where you were seriously injured, read about our successful case involving injuries caused from a low damage accident. Contact our experienced Buffalo Car Accident Attorneys to fight for you and your rights! Schedule your first free confidential consultation and legal case evaluation. This short informational legal video was provided by Robert Maranto, an experienced Buffalo Car Accident Attorney. Download Our Free Auto Accident Guide Like us on Facebook