
Understanding the Immediate Steps After a Dog Bite Accident in New York

Dog bite accidents can be traumatic and confusing, leaving victims unsure of what to do next. In New York, knowing the right steps to take can make a significant difference in the outcome of any claims or legal actions that might follow. From seeking medical attention to gathering evidence, each step is crucial for your well-being and the strength of your case. This comprehensive guide will walk you through what to do after a dog bite accident, ensuring you are informed and prepared to handle the situation effectively.

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Seeking Immediate Medical Attention

The first and foremost priority after a dog bite is to seek medical attention. Dog bites can cause serious injuries, including deep puncture wounds, infections, and in severe cases, nerve damage or rabies. Even if the wound appears minor, it is essential to get it checked by a medical professional. They will clean the wound thoroughly, possibly administer a tetanus shot, and provide you with the necessary antibiotics to prevent infection. Proper medical documentation of your injuries is also crucial for any future legal claims. Ensure you keep all medical records and bills as they will serve as important evidence in your case.

Reporting the Incident

After attending to your immediate medical needs, it is important to report the dog bite incident to the local authorities. In New York, this generally involves contacting the local health department or animal control agency. Reporting the incident helps create an official record, which is essential for your legal case. The authorities will investigate the incident, which can include determining whether the dog has a history of aggressive behavior or if the owner has violated any local animal control laws. This official report can be valuable evidence if you decide to pursue legal action against the dog owner.

Identifying the Dog and Its Owner

It is important to identify the dog and its owner following a dog bite. If the dog is a stray, try to get a detailed description of the animal and the exact location of the incident. If the dog has an owner, collect their contact information — including their name, address, and phone number. Ask for proof of the dog’s vaccination records, particularly rabies vaccination. This information will be crucial for your medical treatment and any potential legal proceedings. If the owner is uncooperative or you cannot identify the dog, notify the authorities immediately.

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Maranto, III


Gathering Evidence

Collecting evidence after a dog bite is crucial for building a strong legal case. Start by taking photographs of your injuries immediately after the attack and as they heal. Document the scene of the incident, noting any relevant details such as the presence — or lack thereof — of “Beware of Dog” signs, broken fences, or other factors that may have contributed to the attack. Gather witness statements from anyone who saw the attack or was present when it occurred. Their testimonies can provide valuable support for your case. Additionally, keep a detailed record of your medical treatments, including visits to healthcare providers, medications prescribed, and any other related expenses.

Understanding New York’s Dog Bite Laws

New York follows a “mixed” or “hybrid” rule for dog bite cases, which combines elements of both strict liability and the “one-bite” rule. Under this rule, a dog owner can be held strictly liable for medical costs resulting from a dog bite if the dog had previously exhibited dangerous behavior or if the owner was negligent in controlling the dog. 

This means that if the dog has a known history of aggression or has bitten someone before, the owner can be held responsible for your injuries. If the owner’s negligence, such as allowing the dog to roam freely without a leash, contributed to the attack, you might have a strong case for compensation.


The team is very personable, patient and empathetic with their clients. They are upfront with you and will explain the entire process with you, they never lead you to believe otherwise, they tell you like it is and will not sell you a million dollar dream. Trust in Andrews, Bernstein & Maranto, PLLC, they work for you and he looks out for your best interest.”

- Jane D.

Consulting with a Personal Injury Attorney

Navigating the legal complexities of a dog bite case can be challenging, which is why consulting with a personal injury attorney is highly advisable. An experienced attorney can help you understand your rights and guide you through the legal process. They can assist in gathering evidence, negotiating with insurance companies, and representing you in court if necessary. An attorney will work to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other related expenses. They can also advise you on the likelihood of success in your case based on the specific circumstances and New York’s dog bite laws.

Filing an Insurance Claim

In many dog bite cases, compensation can be sought through the dog owner’s homeowner’s insurance policy. After gathering all necessary evidence and medical documentation, your attorney can help you file a claim with the insurance company. The insurance company will conduct its own investigation, which may include reviewing medical records, speaking with witnesses, and assessing the dog’s history. Your attorney will negotiate on your behalf to reach a fair settlement. If the insurance company denies your claim or offers an insufficient settlement, your attorney may advise you to pursue a lawsuit for better compensation.

Pursuing Legal Action

If a fair settlement cannot be reached through insurance negotiations, your next step may be to file a lawsuit against the dog owner. Your attorney will file a personal injury lawsuit in the appropriate court and represent you throughout the legal proceedings. The lawsuit will seek to recover damages for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other related costs. The legal process can be lengthy and complex, involving discovery, depositions, and potentially a trial. 

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Dealing with Emotional Trauma

A dog bite can leave lasting emotional scars in addition to physical injuries. It is important to acknowledge and address the emotional impact of the incident. Consider seeking counseling or therapy to help cope with any anxiety, fear, or post-traumatic stress resulting from the attack. Emotional well-being is a crucial part of your recovery, and mental health professionals can provide valuable support and strategies to manage your feelings. Additionally, document any emotional distress you experience as this can also be considered in your legal claim for pain and suffering.

Preventing Future Incidents

After a dog bite incident, taking steps to prevent future occurrences is essential. If you own a dog, ensure it is properly trained and socialized to minimize the risk of aggressive behavior. Always follow local leash laws and supervise your dog around strangers and children. If you are a victim of a dog bite, educating yourself and others about responsible pet ownership and safety around dogs can help prevent similar incidents in the future. Advocacy for stricter enforcement of animal control laws and better public awareness can also contribute to a safer community for everyone.

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Dedicated to Dog Bite Victims

Experiencing a dog bite can be a distressing event, but knowing the proper steps to take can help you manage the aftermath more effectively. From seeking immediate medical attention to consulting with a personal injury attorney, each action plays a vital role in your recovery and the strength of your legal case. Understanding New York’s dog bite laws and the importance of thorough evidence collection can significantly impact the outcome of your claim. By taking these steps, you can ensure that you receive the necessary medical care and pursue fair compensation for your injuries, helping you move forward with confidence and peace of mind.

Andrews, Bernstein & Maranto, PLLC is here to provide the legal support and guidance you need in the wake of a dog bite accident. Our dedicated team is committed to helping you navigate the complexities of your case and securing the best possible outcome. If you or a loved one has been injured in a dog bite incident, contact us today for a consultation. We are here to advocate for your rights and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

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