
What to Do After a Dog Bite Accident in New York: A Comprehensive Guide

A dog bite accident can be a terrifying experience, leaving both physical and emotional scars. Whether you are taking a walk in the park, visiting a friend, or just passing by a neighborhood, dog attacks can happen suddenly and without warning. In New York, the aftermath of a dog bite can be overwhelming, especially if you’re unsure of what steps to take. This guide will help you understand what to do immediately after a dog bite and how to protect your rights moving forward. It’s important to stay calm and take action to ensure your safety and well-being. At, Andrews, Bernstein & Maranto, PLLC , we are here to guide you through the legal process and help you navigate the complexities of your case. 

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Immediate Steps to Take After a Dog Bite

The first thing you should do after being bitten by a dog is to move to a safe area. Dogs may attack out of fear, aggression, or even playfulness, but after the bite occurs, you want to make sure you are no longer in danger. If the dog is still nearby, do not make sudden movements, as this might provoke another attack. Slowly back away until you are in a safe spot.

Once you are in a safe place, check yourself for injuries. Even if the bite doesn’t seem serious at first, dog bites can lead to infections and other complications. Wash the wound gently with soap and water. This will help reduce the risk of infection, but it is not enough on its own. You should seek medical attention as soon as possible, even if the wound appears minor. A healthcare professional can properly clean the wound and determine if you need any further treatment, such as antibiotics or a tetanus shot.

If the dog that bit you is unfamiliar, it is critical to try and find out if the dog is up to date on its vaccinations, especially rabies. Rabies is a serious disease that can be transmitted through the saliva of an infected animal, and it can be fatal if left untreated. If possible, ask the dog’s owner for vaccination records. However, do not confront the owner aggressively. If you are unable to speak with the owner or if the dog is a stray, make sure to report the bite to local authorities.

Benjamin J.












Robert J.
Maranto, III


Document the Incident

After seeking medical attention, it’s important to document everything about the dog bite incident. Write down where and when the attack occurred, along with any details you can recall about the dog and the events leading up to the bite. Take photographs of your injuries as soon as possible and continue to document your recovery by taking pictures over time. This will be valuable evidence if you decide to pursue a legal claim.

If there were any witnesses to the dog bite, try to get their contact information. Their testimony could be crucial in supporting your version of events. Additionally, if the dog’s owner is present, be sure to get their name, address, and phone number. This will help if you need to file a report or pursue legal action later.

In New York, dog bite cases can be complicated, especially if there are questions about the dog’s behavior or the owner’s responsibility. Having detailed documentation will help you build a stronger case if you decide to take legal action against the dog owner.

Report the Dog Bite to Local Authorities

In New York, it’s important to report a dog bite to local authorities as soon as possible. This not only helps protect other people from potentially dangerous dogs but also creates an official record of the incident. Reporting the bite to your local health department, animal control, or police department will trigger an investigation, which may include determining whether the dog is dangerous or has a history of aggressive behavior.

When you file the report, be as detailed as possible about the circumstances of the bite. Include the location of the incident, a description of the dog, and any information about the owner. This report will also be useful if you decide to file a legal claim for your injuries.


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- Jane D.

Understanding New York Dog Bite Laws

New York law holds dog owners accountable for the actions of their pets. However, the laws regarding dog bites are not as straightforward as they may seem. New York follows what is known as a “mixed” or “one bite” rule. This means that if a dog has previously been declared dangerous or has a history of biting, the owner may be held liable for damages if the dog bites again.

Even if the dog does not have a history of aggression, the owner can still be held liable for medical costs related to the dog bite. In some cases, the victim may be able to recover additional compensation for pain and suffering, lost wages, or emotional trauma. This is why it’s crucial to have strong documentation of the incident and the injuries you sustained.

If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog, understanding your legal rights is essential. The legal process can be complex, and you will need guidance from someone familiar with New York’s dog bite laws to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Seeking Medical Compensation After a Dog Bite

If you’ve been bitten by a dog, your medical bills may start to pile up quickly. In New York, you have the right to seek compensation for these costs from the dog owner. This can include the cost of emergency treatment, hospital stays, medication, follow-up visits, and any other medical expenses related to the bite.

In addition to medical expenses, you may be entitled to compensation for any wages you lost if the injury caused you to miss work. Dog bites can also leave lasting emotional scars, and some victims may experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or anxiety after an attack. Compensation for pain and suffering, both physical and emotional, may also be available.

To recover these damages, it’s important to file a claim in a timely manner. New York has a statute of limitations for personal injury cases, including dog bites. This means that you have a limited amount of time to pursue a legal claim after the incident occurs. If you wait too long, you could lose the opportunity to seek compensation.

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The Role of a Legal Professional After a Dog Bite

Navigating the legal system after a dog bite can be overwhelming. Understanding the laws surrounding dog bites in New York, knowing your rights, and dealing with insurance companies can be a complicated process, especially when you’re trying to recover from an injury. This is why many victims of dog bites choose to seek legal help. A legal professional can guide you through the process and help ensure that your rights are protected.

A legal professional will investigate the incident, gather evidence, and determine the best course of action for your case. Whether you are dealing with a dog that has no history of aggression or a dangerous dog that has attacked others in the past, having someone on your side can make a big difference in the outcome of your case.

In many dog bite cases, the insurance company of the dog owner may offer a settlement. While it might be tempting to accept a quick settlement, it’s important to consider whether the amount being offered covers all of your current and future medical expenses, as well as other damages like lost wages or emotional trauma. A legal professional can negotiate on your behalf to make sure you receive fair compensation.

If you have been bitten by a dog in New York, it’s important to take immediate action to protect your health and your rights. Seek medical attention, document the incident, and report the bite to local authorities. But remember, navigating the legal aftermath of a dog bite can be complex, and you don’t have to do it alone.

At Andrews, Bernstein & Maranto, PLLC, we understand the challenges that come with recovering from a dog bite accident. Our team is here to help you every step of the way, ensuring that you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries. If you or a loved one has been injured in a dog bite accident, contact us today for a consultation. We will work with you to build a strong case and help you move forward. Reach out to us today for the support and guidance you need.

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